When discussing sustainability, one area is sometimes disregarded. It is larger than transportation. It transcends energy. It is – FOOD!
Society is confronted with a massive challenge. How to feed 10 billion people by 2050 while maintaining the health of both people and the planet. We have to remember that food is a part of our history and culture. Economic theory applies to food. Food is a political issue as well. Last but not least, the environment is defined by food!
The world in 2021 is extremely focused on food sustainability. The United Nations just had its first ever Food Systems Summit.
It is time for a major shift and communal accountability in how we care for the environment around us. It is up to individual persons, individual countries and the world as a whole to create a more sustainable food system. These unprecedented difficulties also present enormous opportunities.
There is an urgent need to truly establish an unbreakable food system, which is genuinely restorative, regenerating and leaving no one behind. It is critical to establish a collaboration between the public and private sectors. This is a first step toward a more sustainable food system.
The necessity is immediate, and the ambition is big. This year, AgriFood Forum 2021 will introduce innovative new activities, solutions, and strategies to accomplish the Green Deal goals, all of which are based on healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable food systems. The Forum will educate the community about the importance of collaborating to improve how to produce, consume, and think about food.
Expected Outcomes
- Significantly increased public dialogue regarding the critical role of food systems in achieving a sustainable food value chain and the measures necessary to achieve it.
- Identified actions needed, with quantifiable outcomes, which are required to fulfill the 2030 Agenda targets. This will include highlighting existing solutions and honoring leaders in the transformation of food systems as well as calling for new actions at the national and EU levels by a range of stakeholders.
- A system of monitoring and review that will motivate new activities and results, facilitate the sharing of experiences, lessons, and information, and incorporate new impact measurements.


Prof. dr. Viktoras Pranckietis
Dr. Agnė Kudarauskienė
Andrius Pranckevičius
Aušrys Macijauskas
Daniel Calvo Alonso
Dr. Rico Mockel
*The list of speakers will be updated.

*Continuously updated
09:00 Opening of the Forum
Ramūnas Terleckas | Editor at Verslo Klasė
09:05 Welcome speech
Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen | Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
09:10 Keynote of the AgriFood Forum 2021
Kęstutis Navickas | Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
09:20 Keynote: "CO2-free food sector: is it possible?"
Simonas Gentvilas | Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
09:45 Keynote: "Strong and Digital. The beginning of the long run journey"
Augustas Alešiūnas | CEO at ART21 & Innovation manager at Future Technologies DIH
10:10 Keynote: "The Road to a Sustainable AgriFood Chain: How AgriFoodTech Investment & Innovation is Evolving"
Louisa Burwood-Taylor | Head of Media & Research at AgFunder
10:40 Coffee break
Stage I
Stage II
Rural Development and Future Skills Forum
10:50 Keynote: "Cooperatives and rural development: improving together"
Marie-Christine Le Gal | French Attaché for Agriculture and the Food Industry for the Central and Eastern European Region
11:10 Keynote: "Skills for the AgriFood sector: current situation and future perspectives"
Dr. Agnė Kudarauskienė | Deputy minister of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania
11:30 Discussion: "Prospects for the AgriFood sector to increase the economic development and attractiveness of regions for young people"
Marie-Christine Le Gal | French Attaché for Agriculture and the Food Industry for the Central and Eastern European Region
Juozas Augutis | Rector at VDU
Marja-Liisa Meurice | Director of EIT Food CLC North-East
Arnas Radzevičius | Head of Agro Precision Technology Division at Agrokoncernas
Dr. Agnė Kudarauskienė | Deputy minister of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania
Moderated by Mantas Vilys | Director at Lithuanian Innovation Center
Robotics session (Joint broadcast for both halls)
12:20 Discussion: "Working side by side with AgriFood robots – opportunities and challenges"
Daniel Calvo Alonso | Head of the Artificial Intelligence, Data and Robotics unit at Atos Research and Innovation
Anneli Roose | Project Manager at Civitta Estonia
Dr. Rico Mockel | Associate Professor of Cognitive Robotics and Intelligent Systems at Maastricht University
Moderated by Kristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė | Director at AgriFood Lithuania DIH
Organized by
Empowering Women in AgriFood Sector Forum
13:20 Keynote: "How women leaders in the AgriFood sector can enforce faster economic and social recovery?"
Kristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė | Director at AgriFood Lithuania DIH
13:40 Discussion: "Why can women be at the forefront of the transformation of the agri-food sector?"
Kristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė | Director at AgriFood Lithuania DIH
Diana Tatarūnaitė-Zubenienė | Director of the Lithuanian branch at Dojus Agro
Aistė Miliūtė-Pranckuvienė | CEO at Birštonas Mineral Water
Milda Kraużlis | RIS Programme Manager at EIT FOOD CLC North-East
Moderated by Edvardas Žičkus | Journalist
14:20 Keynote: "AgriFood ecosystem in the face of digital and green transition"
Marja-Liisa Meurice | Director of EIT Food CLC North-East
14:40 Discussion: "EU Innovation Ecosystems: the role of the AgriFood sector"
Daina Kleponė | CEO at Enterprise Lithuania
Darius Gaidys | Lithuania Ambassador-at-Large for Digital Affairs
Vidmantas Janulevičius | President of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists
Andrius Pranckevičius | Deputy Chairman at Linas Agro Group, CEO at AB Kauno Grudai, Chairman at PF Kekava
Moderated by Ramūnas Terleckas | Editor at Verslo Klasė
Joint broadcast for both halls
15:20 Keynote: "Less is more: sustainability and efficiency in agribusiness"
Arūnas Jusas | CEO at Timac AGRO LT
Joint broadcast for both halls
15:35 Keynote: “EIT Food programs for innovators”
Martyna Czerniakowska | Action Line Leader at EIT Food RIS Fellowships
Małgorzata Młynarska | EIT Food RIS Junior Communication Coordinator at EIT Food
Vision of the Future AgriFood Sector in Lithuania Forum
15:50 Keynote: "Roadmap for Lithuanian AgriFood Sector Transformation"
Linas Dičpetris | EY Baltics Consulting Leader
16:10 Discussion: What vision do we have for the AgriFood sector in Lithuania?
Aušrys Macijauskas | Chairman at Lithuanian Grain Growers Association, Lithuanian Agriculture Council
Augustas Alešiūnas | CEO at ART21 & Innovation manager at Future Technologies DIH
Kazys Starkevičius | Chairman of the Economic Committee of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
Julija Kiršienė | Vice-Rector for Research at Vytautas Magnus University
Moderated by Ramūnas Terleckas | Editor at Verslo Klasė
16:50 Closing of the Forum
Kristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė | Director at AgriFood Lithuania DIH
17:00 Networking meetings
Stage II
The Future of Agriculture in the EU: New Elements of Common Agriculture Policy, Green Deal and ‘Farm to Fork’ Strategy
Organized by

10:50 Keynote: "New EU CAP policy and Green Deal: from Lithuanian perspective"
Prof. dr. Viktoras Pranckietis | Chairman of the Rural Affairs Committee of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
11:05 Keynote: "CAP policy revision: main directions and novelties"
Bronis Ropė | Member of the European Parliament
11:20 Discussion
Prof. dr. Viktoras Pranckietis | Chairman of the Rural Affairs Committee of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
Bronis Ropė | Member of the European Parliament
Moderated by Arūnas Milašius | Editor of Agro
11:35 Keynote: "’Farm to Fork’ strategy: the way forward for sustainable food production and consumption"
Dorfmann Herbert | Member of the European Parliament
11:50 Keynote: "New EU CAP policy and Green Deal: a look from Lithuanian farmer’s perspective"
Arūnas Svitojus | Chairman of the Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
12:05 Discussion
Dorfmann Herbert | Member of the European Parliament
Arūnas Svitojus | Chairman of the Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
Moderated by Arūnas Milašius | Editor of Agro
Robotics session (Joint broadcast for both halls)
12:20 Discussion: "Working side by side with AgriFood robots – opportunities and challenges"
Daniel Calvo Alonso | Head of the Artificial Intelligence, Data and Robotics unit at Atos Research and Innovation
Anneli Roose | Project Manager at Civitta Estonia
Dr. Rico Mockel | Associate Professor of Cognitive Robotics and Intelligent Systems at Maastricht University
Moderated by Kristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė | Director at AgriFood Lithuania DIH
Organized by
13:20 Keynote: "The Green Deal: the importance of the AgriFood sector to the economy"
Paulius Kunčinas | Economist
13:40 Discussion: "Investment in the AgriFood sector: current situation and future prospects"
Grigoris Chatzikostas | Vice President of Business Development at FoodScale Hub
Paulius Kunčinas | Economist
Mika Kukkurainen | Founder & Partner at NORDIC FoodTech VC
Eivilė Čipkutė | President at Association of Lithuanian Banks
Moderated by Mantas Vilys | Director at Lithuanian Innovation Center
Smart Food Forum
14:20 Keynote: "Data sharing – the ‘hot potato’ in smart functional food"
Dr. George Beers | Coordinator at SmartAgriHubs, Wageningen University & Research
14:40 Discussion: "Smart specialization priorities: smart food, functional food"
Dr. George Beers | Coordinator at SmartAgriHubs, Wageningen University & Research
Linas Dičpetris | EY Baltics Consulting Leader
Giedrius Bagušinskas | President of Lithuanian Cluster Networks and CEO at Lithuanian Food Exporters Association
Andžej Šuškevič | CEO at Baltic Amadeus
Paulius Guzevičius | Director for Innnovation at Vikonda
Moderated by Mantas Vilys | Director at Lithuanian Innovation Center
Joint broadcast for both halls
15:20 Keynote: "Less is more: sustainability and efficiency in agribusiness"
Arūnas Jusas | CEO at Timac AGRO LT
Joint broadcast for both halls
15:35 Keynote: “EIT Food programs for innovators”
Martyna Czerniakowska | Action Line Leader at EIT Food RIS Fellowships
Małgorzata Młynarska | EIT Food RIS Junior Communication Coordinator at EIT Food
15:50 Keynote: "Sustainability beyond the Green Deal: can sustainability be profitable?"
Donatas Dailidė | CEO at Dojus Group
16:10 Discussion: "Decarbonisation in agriculture: challenges and opportunities"
Remigijus Lapinskas | Director at Green Policy Institute
Raimundas Juknevičius | Chairman at Lithuanian Farmers’ Union
Donatas Dailidė | CEO at Dojus Group
Kristina Simonaitytė | Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
Moderated by Mantas Vilys | Director at Lithuanian Innovation Center
16:50 Closing of the Forum
Daiva Jakaitė | Head of European Parliament Liaison Office in Lithuania